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Relationship as a place of encounter

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


This article pursues the issue of the relationship as a place of human-human encounter. We live in the 21st century that is a part of the postmodern age.

It is characteristic of devaluation of values and traditions that have shaped various cultures, religions or systems for centuries. Today, we have many modern technological tools that should make a person's life easier - in this sense, relationships should also take on a new dimension.

Rather, it happens that the emptiness of modern man creates emptiness in relationships. When some people find out, that a close person has some form of pain, they prefer to flee from the relationship with him, because they often do not have the ability to suffer with him.

Modern technology in relationships does not replace man, because two people are important for an authentic human relationship in order to be for a human a human. By entering into a relationship, one can know and discover the uniqueness of the other individual and in this approach use the love that forms the basic ethical axis and which also consists in the experience of otherness and its acceptance.