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Zpíváš, jako bys plakala (You Sing as if You Were Crying) by Zuzana Kultánová in the Context of Contemporary Czech Prose

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Zpíváš, jako bys plakala (You Sing as if You Were Crying) is a book by Zuzana Kultánová

(born 1986), published in Paseka, Prague, 2022. It can be understood as a specific testimony of a woman living in the contemporary society. Authors of the article put the book in the con- text of contemporary Czech prose and relate it to selected other works and the reception of existing production of Zuzana Kultánová. Selected distinct features of the text (for example the way of narration, prosaic composition, motifs or intertextuality) are analysed and the questions of genre are taken into consideration - how fully does the text correspond with characteristic features of love prose or social prose.