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Apparatus for non-destructive determination of pressure in cans based on the principle of measuring their own resonance frequencies



Contamination of beer by microorganisms can be manifested by the production of CO2 and an increase in its concentration in the drink. An increase in the concentration of CO2 in a closed package leads to an increase in pressure, which can cause the destruction of the package.

A functional sample of the apparatus for non-destructive determination of pressure in cans based on the principle of measuring their own resonant frequencies was created. The different CO2 content and associated pressure in beer cans causes a difference in pressure on the walls of the can.

This leads to a change in wall tension. As the wall tension changes, so does the speed of sound propagation in the wall and thus the resonance frequency of the can wall vibration.

The CO2 content and related pressure in beer cans can be determined from the can's own resonant frequencies.