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Beakers, Death and Monuments in the Ceremonial Landscape Around the Czech Mythical Mountain of Říp

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This study is the initial part of an extensive research project (GA21-25440S) focussing mainly on the long barrows of the 5th and 4th millennium BC and the reconstruction of the ceremonial landscape around Mount Říp in Central/Northern Bohemia. The extensive landscape reconstruction project, including targeted excavations, is currently being developed in the region under study and further results will be presented in near future.

The reconstruction of 3rd millennium funerary activities within the project's area of interest concerns the latest phase of our chronological analytical frame. The main aim of this paper is the reconstruction of the Corded Ware and Bell Beaker settlement pattern based mainly on the evidence of funerary sites.

In this stage of our research we will examine the spatial setting of Beaker cemeteries in the landscape around Mount Říp. This research includes analyses of the altitude of individual sites, the slope aspect of cemeteries and the visibility of Říp as the main landmark in the landscape.