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Polynomial-time Algorithm for Maximum Weight Independent Set on P6-free Graphs

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In the classic Maximum Weight Independent Set problem, we are given a graph G with a nonnegative weight function on its vertices, and the goal is to find an independent set in G of maximum possible weight. While the problem is NP-hard in general, we give a polynomial-time algorithm working on any P6-free graph, that is, a graph that has no path on 6 vertices as an induced subgraph.

This improves the polynomial-time algorithm on P5-free graphs of Lokshtanov et al. [15] and the quasipolynomial-time algorithm on P6-free graphs of Lokshtanov et al. [14]. The main technical contribution leading to our main result is enumeration of a polynomial-size family ℱ of vertex subsets with the following property: For every maximal independent set I in the graph, ℱ contains all maximal cliques of some minimal chordal completion of G that does not add any edge incident to a vertex of I.