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Quodvultdeus: Baptismal Catecheses

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The volume presents a corpus of pre-baptismal sermons attributed to Quodvultdeus, the Bishop of Carthage in the 430s. The first part of the book presents a study on his relationship to the speeches and their theology.

First, a brief biography of Quodvultdeus is sketched together with the problem of attributing the corpus of pseudo-Augustinian sermons to this author. After presenting the recent scholarship and establishing the authorship of the sermons, the focus moves to the baptismal context of these catecheses: the curriculum of the baptismal preparation in Carthage is presented.

Singular moments of this preparation are pointed out, especially the renunciation of the devil, which is a dominant theme in the corpus of the sermons, and Quodvultdeus' theology of baptism is sketched out. This theological view is set into the historical context of Quodvultdeus' episcopacy, primarily because of the threats for the Catholic Church from the Vandal invaders who adhered to the Arian faith.

Therefore, the last part of the study focuses on Quodvultdeus' effort to build his Church and strengthen the Catholic identity of his audience and set the limits envisioned as a protection of the Church from the outward perils. The study shows that although the post-Augustinian generation was not original but drew from Augustinian theological topics, the pastoral effort of the Bishop of Carthage is noteworthy as a personal remaking of the theological system he learned in his youth from his friend Augustine.

The second part of the volume presents the Czech translation of several sermons attributed to Quodvultdeus related to baptismal preparation and a commentary on the translated text. The following sermons are included: On the New Song (De cantico novo), On the Creed I-III (De symbolo I-III), On those who come to the grace I-II (De accedentibus ad gratiam I-II), Against Jews, Pagans, and Arians (Contra Judaeos, Paganos, et Arrianos), On the Last Wednesday (De ultima quarta feria), and On the Cataclysm (De cataclysmo).

The bibliography and biblical, ancient, topical, and modern authors indices are included.