In this article, I describe my research in the Moroccan village of Taghazout, where I traced the causes and consequences of the significant changes of the last few years; from a fishing village with little tourism, it became a sought-after center for surfers from all over the world and a seat for foreign investors, which completely changed the character of this place. A large part of these surfers are so-called lifestyle migrants who permanently settle in Taghazout and form an international community here - they are mainly British, Dutch, German, French and Spanish.
I will first focus on surfing, as the cause of these changes and the main motive of lifestyle migration; I describe it in terms of history, subculture and lifestyle sport. Then I focus on lifestyle migration and sports tourism, which are very closely related topics, and within the description of lifestyle migrants who are surfers, I focus more closely on their psychology and motivations.
Finally, I present my own, multi-layered position in the field and the changes that occurred in Taghazout along with lifestyle migration.