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National newborn hearing screening in the Czech Republic - database and new methodic

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Screening of hearing loss in newborns is based on simple organization, comfortable examination, effective measurement, and acceptable price. The amendment of Newborn hearing screening guidelines by Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic was published in Bulletin of Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic no. 14/2021.

Transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE) are used for the screening of normal newborns. Automatic auditory brainstem responses (AABR/BERA) are used for screening of high-risk newborns. 'Positive screening' stands for new diagnosed (permanent) hearing loss, 'negative screening' stands for normal results of TEOAE or AABR in both ears.

The goal of this paper is to provide information about the national database and current methods of newborn hearing screening in the Czech Republic. Methods and results: the system of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) currently carried out in the Czech Republic consists of three levels: screening in neonatal units, rescreening in specialized ENT departments or phoniatric departments and assessment of hearing threshold in regional ENT pedaudiology centers.

The results from the national database are presented in this work. Progressive increase in numbers of screening examinations is demonstrated.

Further an overview of current methods and planning of a new national registry for newborn hearing screening is presented. Discussion: the amendment of Newborn screening guidelines (originally from 2012) was written in 2021 as a result of close cooperation between ENT, neonatologists and pediatrists.

The system of screening follows these steps: 1. screening of hearing in normal newborns during first 3 days of life in hospital by neonatal nurses with TEOAE or with AABR/BERA in high-risk newborns; 2. rescreening of hearing between 3-6 weeks of life in ENT department specialized for re-screening of hearing; 3. final diagnosis of hearing loss up to 6 months of life in regional ENT pedaudiology center.