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Fossil wood of Iceland: An overview and new finds in Miocene coal-bearing formations

Publication at Faculty of Science |


As yet, palaeontological research of fossil wood of Iceland has identified several conifers of the families Pinaceae and?Podocarpaceae and one angiosperm of the family Fagaceae. Occurrence of other angiosperm woods of the families of Salicaceae, Betulaceae, Fagaceae and Aquifoliaceae was also mentioned in a palaeoclimatology study from Tjörnes but without any anatomical description.

New research in xylitic wood of Miocene coal-bearing for-mations of the Botn, Gil, Dufansdalur and Brjansl AE kur localities documented the first occurrence of wood of the family Cupressaceae s.l., identified as Taxodioxylon aff. cryptomerioides, and also additional evidence of modern larch-similar wood of Piceoxylon arcticum (Pinaceae).