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The middle pleistocene sediments in northwestern part of Vidnava lowland (Paczków graben margin) - ground penetrating radar survey

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The Vidnava Lowland in the northern Sudetic Foreland is characterized by extensive alluvial and fluvial sediments deposited during the Weichselian. Pre-Weichselian deposits are very rare and occur as isolated relics only.

The Písečník Hill (288 m a.s.l.) with adjacent plateau represents one of the largest relics in the western part of the lowland. A ground penetrating radar survey revealed braided river channel-belt with mid-channel bars and side bars separated by sinuous channels.

The internal structure of the deposits and abundant erratics indicate the deposition in ice-marginal river or ice-marginal valley. The youngest described facies is interpreted as a Saalian alluvial fan in superposition above the glaciofluvial deposits.