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Population, municipalities and administrative system of the Giant Mountains in the 20th century



The specialized map with specialized content is a set of 11 spatial, time-arranged layers that analyze the demographic, administrative, national and settlement development of the Giant Mountains region in the years of Czechoslovakia, with partial overlap at both ends of the historical time axis (census 1910 and present state 2021). Specifically, it is a web application that is the result of applied research.

The interactive map application is accompanied by a methodical text commentary, as well as a technical text commentary on individual time layers (including a brief analysis of the changes of the studied phenomena between individual layers), a filtering interface, and a list of sources and literature. Together they form a common whole - an interactive web application.

The web application was created using older maps (including imperial prints of a stable cadastre used for identification of some localities), contemporary cartographic materials and cited sources and literature. For processing, GIS methods and selected approaches of contemporary cartography were used.