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Prosodic Phrasing of Good Speakers in English and Czech

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Prosodic patterning is known to affect the impression that speakers make on their listeners. This study explores prosodic phrasing in good public speakers of American English and Czech.

Czech is a West Slavic language whose intonation is reported to be flatter and prosodic phrases longer than in English. We analyzed prosodic characteristics of 10 speakers of Czech and American English who appeared in TED Talks, assuming such appearance to be a mark of a "good speaker." Our objective was to see whether prosodic phrasing will be more similar in these public speeches between the two languages.

We measured the length of prosodic phrases, speech rate in each phrase, and pitch range and melodic variability in the entire phrase, as well as in its pre-nuclear and nuclear portion. The number of syllables per phrase was higher in Czech than in English, although phrases were generally very short in both languages.

The melodic indicators confirm smaller melodic variability in Czech even in publicly performed TED