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Yearbook for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research. Volume XII. (2022)

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


The 12th volume of the Yearbook for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research brings studies, experimental texts and outlines from the field of philosophy, phenomenology and philosophical interpretation of verbal and visual works. The first part of the volume contains contributions to phenomenology or phenomenologically based philosophy.

First, there is an editorial note on the German-Czech edition of Patoček's as yet unpublished letter to Ludwig Landgrebe (April 4, 1974), followed by this letter in its original text and in a Czech translation. The follow-up article places the mentioned letter in the context of Patočka's other writings, especially the afterword to the French edition of the book The Natural World as a Philosophical Problem and the preparatory manuscripts for it.

The first section also includes contributions to Husserl's problem of normality and empathy and to the question of evil in Jaspers and Arendt. The second part of the volume brings phenomenological, or philosophical contributions and interpretations of literary and artistic works, more specifically, contributions to the meaning of colors in T.

S. Eliot's The Waste Land, to the relationship between phenomenology and Czechoslovak surrealism, to the question of authorship in biography, to the possibility of grasping artistic photography from the perspective of Heidegger's Origin of the Work of Art, to criticality in architecture, to the phenomenon of power in music through the lens of Michal Ajvaz's thinking, and to the experience of the sublime in relation to the experience of the non-human nature of the cosmos in the prose of H.P.
