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Spherically symmetric solutions with any cosmological constant in the Einstein-Weyl gravity

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In our contribution we present spherically symmetric solutions in four dimensions to the Einstein-Weyl (and also general quadratic) gravity admitting arbitrary value of the cosmological constant. The main attention is paid to the black hole spacetimes representing one parameter extension of the well-known Schwarzschild-(anti-)de Sitter geometry of Einstein's general relativity.

This additional parameter corresponds to the non-vanishing value of the Bach tensor at the black hole horizon. Our work thus generalises recent paper by Lu et al. (Phys.

Rev. Lett. 114 (2015) 171) to any value of the cosmological constant.

Moreover, using more convenient metric ansatz, the field equations form an autonomous system and their solution is explicitly obtained in an exact form of power series. The physical interpretation of these geometries is also discussed, namely we investigate specific tidal effects on free test particles or their basic thermodynamic properties.