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Krkonose and its people in the course of time: sources, memory, interpretation in the 20th century

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Central Library of Charles University |


The historical development of the Krkonoše region in the 20th century organically followed the events of the previous centuries. In addition to the reflection of the "big", national or supranational history, the specific characteristics of the Krkonoše as a region with a peculiar environment, population and development also had an impact. The book KRKONOSE AND ITS PEOPLE IN THE FLOW OF TIME captures selected themes of Krkonoše history of the 20th century from the angle of six research approaches:

1. it connects the world of the so-called "big" history and the so-called "small" regional history,

2. it thematises the complicated national structure of the region,

3. it reflects the Krkonoše as a geographically and socio-economically specific region with developed tourism,

4. Conceptualizes the Krkonoše as a region marked by a number of discontinuities in its historical development,

5. Perceives that as a result of these discontinuities, a substantial part of the region's historical memory has been fundamentally eroded, and

6. Demonstrates the possibilities of using a wide range of sources in regional research.