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Whole genome sequencing and publication in the GenBank database



The genomic sequences of cyprinid species have been published in the GenBank database, specifically in the Short Read Archive database, which provides a place to store and publish the entire dataset of raw reads, which can then be used to analyse entire genomes. Given the size of the sequencing data and their availability in the public database, we only include their accession numbers:

. fathead minnow (Squalius cephalus): SAMN32407622 / SRX18849585,

. common oucleus (Alburnus alburnus): SAMN32407623 / SRX18849586,

. common roach (Rutilus rutilus): SAMN32407624 / SRX18849587,

. Perlin (Scardinius erythrophthalmus): SAMN32407625 / SRX18849588,

. bream (Abramis brama): SAMN32407626 / SRX18849589.