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Selective form of fetal growth restriction in twin pregnancies

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine |


The selective form of fetal growth restriction (sFGR) complicates 19.7% of monochorionic twin pregnancies and 10.5% of dichorionic twin pregnancies. sFGR is associated with perinatal mortality, preterm birth, and neurological impairment and death in a second (sFGR unaffected) fetus. Fetuses in twin pregnancies show different growth charts compared to singleton pregnancies, so it is necessary to make a thorough diagnosis and prevent excessive pre-diagnosis of this state and eliminate the necessary interventions.

The Delphi procedure has reached uniform diagnostic criteria. sFGR management is complex and complicated. There is a need to consider the risks and benefits of conservative practice, prenatal interventions and premature birth.The diagnostic-therapeutic procedure should be performed by an experienced team at a tertiary centre.