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Pre-invasion assessment on African invasive grasses revealed five new species of ergot fungi, Claviceps section Pusillae

Publikace na Přírodovědecká fakulta, Ústřední knihovna |

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Ergot, the genus Claviceps comprises several deeply diverged lineages, recently classified as sections. Among them, the section Pusillae, is the most speciose, with a centre of distribution in Africa but occurring worldwide, often as a consequence of its invasive potential.

This section includes the most severe plant pathogens such as Claviceps africana and C. gigantea, responsible for toxicoses and a sig-nificant reduction in the seed yields of Sorghum and Zea. In this study we surveyed ergot diversity in South Africa, focusing on grasses native to this region, but known for their high potential of invasiveness.

The revision based on molecular and phenotypic markers revealed 16 species, with a high proportion of undescribed diversity, confirming Africa as a hot spot for this section. Five new species, Claviceps tulasnei, Claviceps eulaliae, Claviceps hypertheliae, Claviceps fredericksoniae and Claviceps arundinellae were described from Setaria, Eulalia, Hyperthelia, Miscanthus and Arundinella respectively.

Claviceps texensis infecting Cenchrus, previously only identified from the same host in Texas, USA, was confirmed to be present in Africa, which is assumed to be its primary area of distribution. In addition, the host grass genus Anthephora is newly reported as a host of Claviceps digitariae.

The most of the taxa were negligible concerning alkaloid production, with the exception of C. fredericksoniae, which is a sister of potent alkaloid producer C. africana, and produces mainly DH-ergosine, together with traces of DH-ergocornine. The host/parasite associations within Pusillae section is very narrow, suggesting that co-speciation is the major speciation driver in this group.

Host grasses of the described species are already recognised invasive species and their ovarial parasites need to be monitored. This is highlighted by the fact that all Pusillae produced air-borne secondary conidia, which is autapomorphy of this section and considered to be important for their invasive abilities.