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The article analyzes the variety of Czech and Ukrainian temporal and locative phraseological units. Meta disclosures - christened various approaches to the interpretation of phraseological variants; describe, systematize Vati presents options for temporary and locative FDs for material and Ukrainian mov.

Significant science interested in the development of the functioning of Czech and Ukrainian phraseological units in national corpora, as well as peculiarities of variation of indications of phraseological units. Fragmentally in Shown, problems were stuck at their pracs naukovtsi, the prote dan aspect will require a detailed operation.

The rozvidtsi have revealed the meaning of phraseological variance, given the thoughts of Czech, Slovak and Ukrainian long. Phraseological variants, which are of great importance, such various phraseological units as, mayuchi, distinguish the totality of phraseological units. logical meaning and etymological image, to be distinguished by the same components of the plan of expression.

The phonic, morphological-syntactic and lexical variance is reviewed. Phonetic option zoomed Vzhivannyam FD in literary and everyday life: chess. být / bejt na obzoru / vobzoru, být / stat za / přede doors / doors, non-existence / nebeit already greedy / greedy young man, life / bet in zravich / zraveich letech; Ukrainian close / close / bright light, skilki (you can) swear / touch with your eye / swear with your eye.

Morphological-syntactic version of the law, mature, on the grammatical categories of the components of phraseological units, and also maddened by the habituation of various hours Vikh and prostorovih apprentices: Chess. for your doba / ve ve dobe, for one hour / for that hour; Ukrainian overseas / beyond seas, beyond the blue sea / beyond the blue sea. Phraseological variants (PV) of lexical dependencies are subdivided into five subgroups: dislivna, imnikova, prikmetni- kova, chisnikov, zaytennikova.

The middle of the PV is seen as phraseology, in some variants the vikoristan is used there are no specific synonyms and the lexemes of a homogeneous thematic group get used. The most productive je in the Czech movie FV stylistically and lexically (returned / processed / transformational light; kind / clean / good end).

In the Ukrainian world, the most productive and lexical options (according to ordinary / distant worlds, distant kingdom / kingdom / volodarstvo). Winter of Czech and Ukrainian temporary and locative federal districts viyavje while reducing the vulgar semantics of the significant diversity of the shear components, which became the basis of the figurative characteristics.