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The Heliocentric Worldview in Central Europe



The new heliocentric astronomy, which is associated with the name of Nicolaus Copernicus, is rightly regarded as one of the greatest revolutions in human knowledge. However, over the last century, a number of studies have shown that the 'Copernican turn' cannot be adequately understood without placing it in the context of contemporary philosophical, religious and general cultural debates.

In this context, it is significant that heliocentrism did not appear until the 16th century. The idea that the sun was at the center of the Universe was present in the Renaissance, especially in the profound allegorical interpretations of Marsilio Ficino.

The metaphysical context of his reflections was later put into a cosmological framework by Copernicus, ushering in a whole new epoch in the interpretation of the world. In the framework of the workshop, the above-mentioned topics were presented to the Austrian audience by distinguished experts from Charles University.