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Economic effects of water-related tourism around the Vltava River cascade

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The Vltava River cascade with its series of dams and reservoirs has been traditionally an area ofintense and diverse open-space recreation linked to water ecosystems. This study examines theeffects of water-related tourism in this pilot area on the economy.Using the Leontief input-output model based on the symmetric input-output table (SIOT) and data onyearly expenditure of recreationists, type I and II multipliers are derived for gross value added asindicator of economic effect.

The results show that 1 CZK of tourists expenditure is associated withcreation of about 0.41 to 0.53 CZK of regional gross value added (this also represents a proxy for theeffect on regional gross domestic product). More than a half of the total effect of recreationists expenditure on the regional economy is realized through visitor purchases from economic sectors ofaccommodation and food service activities.