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Relationships between soil properties, vegetation and soil biota in extremely sulfurized mine soils

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The study aimed to assess the influence of high sulfur (S) contamination and the properties of the reclaimed (e.g. neutralization/liming of contamination) soil on the regeneration of soil vegetation and fauna in the example of the former sulfur mine. An attempt was also made to assess minimal conditions for the development of soil microorganisms and mesofauna depending on the type of cover (reforestation/herbaceous vegetation/bare soil).

Thirty sample plots were situated on three mainland categories-- i) plant cover vegetated mainly Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots pine stand category), ii) Betula pendula Roth (silver birch stand category), and iii) degraded area with bare soil (Bare_Central - in the central place of the plot and Bare_Edge usually 5.5 m from Bare_Central, Veg - 1 m from Bare_Edge). Basic soil chemicals (as pH, electrical conductivity EC, total sulfur S, total nitrogen TN, total organic carbon TOC), biological parameters (e.g. fungal and bacterial phospholipid fatty acids PLFAs, GRAM(+), GRAM(-), actinobacteria, total microbial biomass TM), and mesofauna density were analyzed to assess the level of contamination and colonization of the area by plants and soil fauna.

The PLFA and the presence of soil micro-organisms, always increased from a central point (Bare_Central) to an outer one (Bare_Edge) that was very close (about 1 m) to the vegetation (Veg). However, the highest biological parameters was found in Veg near the bare soil than in the stands with Scots pine.

It was found that the highest microbiological biomass was positively correlated with the occurrence of vegetation. Mesofauna was limited by a high content of sulfur in the soil and high EC.

Silver birch stands, through the larger and more favorable properties of plant litter, create conditions in which the growth of microorganisms is much greater than under Scots pine stands. On the other hand grasses area with single Scots pine was characterized by higher biological parameters than with the silver birch.

In the plots with tree stands it was quite the opposite. To properly restoration this type of place, it is necessary to ensure the accuracy of the technical measures performed.

The best effects of activating soil microorganisms are the introduction of trees with appropriate density. The activity of soil microorganisms allows for the growth of herbaceous vegetation, which will be a start-up source of organic matter and nourishment for soil biota.

Her-baceous vegetation will create a good mixture with hard decomposed pines litterfall.