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Islam in Africa: a Strong Tradition, Exceptional Universities and Syncretisms

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


According to statistics, Islam is the second most widespread religion in contemporary Africa: about 42% of the continent's entire population professes it, while in the Sahara and Sahel regions it is as high as 99% in many countries. However, this statement needs to be supplemented, clarified and the real reality of African Islam - and religious life in general - presented.

This is the content of the article. Today, Islam is the world's second most widespread religion, and a third of its followers live in Africa.

Most African Muslims are Sunnis, but many are so-called non-confessional Muslims, for example in Mali there are more than half non-confessional Muslims. The main goal of the article is to look at the basic outlines of the story of African Islam and emphasize its current specifics.

Related to this is the clarification and explanation of the African - especially sub-Saharan - specificity with regard to statistics. Another goal is to draw attention to selected unique syncretisms of Islam and the original African religions - some within orthodoxy, but others outside.

The topic is processed by the method of own field research, supported by a comparison of relevant literature.