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Comparison of Plasma and Electrochemical Surface Rehydrogenation of Single-Crystal Boron-doped Diamond Electrodes

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Studies on single-crystal boron-doped diamonds (SC-BDDs) and their utilization as an electrode material are rare and focuses mainly on {111}, {110} and {100}-oriented surfaces. In this work, comparison of electrochemical behavior of {113}, {115} and {118}-oriented SC-BDDs deposited at B/C ratios of 250 - 2000 ppm, leading to boron concentrations in the solid from 4 x 10(19) cm(-3) up to 1 x 10(21) cm(-3), has been performed after exposure to hydrogen plasma and electrochemical rehydrogenation of O-terminated surfaces.

In general, electrochemical rehydrogenation was more effective in comparison with the hydrogen plasma option. Further, the time stability of H-terminated surfaces in air examined using {113}-oriented SC-BDD electrodes with the lowest and the highest concentration of boron was investigated.

The results were obtained by cyclic voltammetry using inner sphere (surface sensitive) redox markers.