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Various small pieces in pen by Crux of Telč

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In the late medieval period - in contrast to the early medieval period - the spread of paper and increasing education led to the development of writing for personal use, which is directly reflected in the form of writing used to record texts. One of the most active copyists of various works was Crux of Telč.

Thus, through his pen, the development of medieval writing and its late form will first be outlined, and then attention will be paid to several manuscripts of Crux in terms of content. An important part of his manuscripts were mnemonic devices, which were intended to help, for example, students to remember the taught material - we can find them usually in university manuscripts.

Among the manuscripts of Crux, his copy of the enumeration of customs for the feast of St. John the Baptist, which reveals his scholarly interest in folk customs, and a text containing instructions for finding treasure by magic will be presented in more detail.