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Experience with the management of the Czech Inn accommodation facility during the first wave of the 2020 coronavirus crisis

Publication at Protestant Theological Faculty |


The chapter deals with solving the situation of homeless people living without the possibility to hide from the infection, without protective equipment and sufficient hygienic conditions in the first wave of the Covid 19. Based on the agreement of the Prague City Hall with the owners of some hotels and hostels, temporary emergency accommodation of homeless people was started in these facilities.

This solution was also proved abroad, not only during the pandemic, but also in situations of natural disasters, etc. Positive experiences from the USA are described, where it is possible to solve the social situation of people without shelter in a more comprehensive and long-term way.

The application of a systemic approach in the form of Rapid Re-Housing model contributes to reducing and ending homelessness. A rapid end to homelessness connected with intensive social work that takes place during housing and lasts as long as the person's situation is not stabilized, seems to be a real and hopeful procedure.