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On the Hermeneutical Concept of the Existential Meaning of Art in Jan Patočka

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The study examines Patočkas philosophical concept of art and his critical account of Hegel's metaphysical concept of art. In the first part of the study the author examines Patočkas interpretation of Hegels early concept of art, in which art had so called "futurist" nature and then it is compared with Hegel's mature concept of art where art recieved so called "foregone" nature.

In the following part of the study there is examined Patočka's own original concept of art and its internal relation to Heidegger's hermeneutical account of time and being. In conclution, the author emphasises that Patočkas concept of art as the fenomenological process of revelation of truht of being shows that the fundamental hermeneutical essence of art is to reveal the fenomenon of the "game of manifestation of the truth of being" and to deepen the mutual relations between man and world.