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Simultaneously applied eco-design models and innovative consumer models

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Ecodesign or ecological design (English ecodesign or ecological design) has a number of definitions. American ecodesign pioneers Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan define it as: "any form of design that minimizes the impact on the environment by integrating into existing processes." : ,,In general, ecodesign can be defined as a systematic process of designing and developing a product, which, in addition to classic features such as functionality, economy, safety, ergonomics, technical feasibility, aesthetics, etc., places great emphasis on achieving a minimum negative impact of the product on the environment, and that from the point of view of its entire life cycle."2 In general, it is therefore possible to summarize that ecodesign is a method of design in which the designer tries to take into account environmental friendliness and towards sustainable development. Within the framework of this document, we define ecodesign and work with with this term as follows: "Ecodesign is a product design whose aim is to minimize the impact on the environment í relating to the product throughout its life cycle while preserving its functionality and other characteristics, including value for customers."

In this e-book, we will first introduce the reader to the theoretical definition of ecological design and familiarize him with concrete applications of ecodesign, as well as its legal aspects. Then we move on to the part in which we map the currently applied ecodesign models. We will focus on the area of energy use as an important sector in which eco-design innovations are applied. Subsequently, we move on to the issue of food, after which we already focus on eco-design within the design of objects. We conclude the entire section with an overview of eco-design solutions in construction and packaging. In the subsequent part, we will focus on innovative consumer models.