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The Issue of the Health Condition Assessment for the Purposes of the Special Aid Allowance and Disabled Person ID Card with the View to the Involvement of General Practitioners and Specialists, including Oncologists

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


The article provides a clear introduction to the issue of the health condition assessment for the purposes of the special aid al- lowance and disabled person ID card. The text is supplemented with a case report on the health condition assessment for the purposes of a disability certificate of a man with testicular seminoma.

The authors propose to unify the assessment criteria for the health condition assessment for the purposes of the disabled person ID card and for the purposes of the care allowance, which would simplify and accelerate the assessment process. Furthermore, in order to make the assessment process more efficient, they propose to transfer the health condition assessment for the purposes of awarding the special aid allowance to specialist and general practitioners so that the entire procedure for the applicant would be simplified.