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Evidentiality in Czech and Spanish: A contrastive cognitively-based study of the reportative particles prý and dizque

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The paper presents a contrastive Czech-Spanish study concentrating on reportative markers. Methodologically, it is based on the cognitive theories of mental spaces and grounding, with the primary focus on the Spanish counterparts of the Czech prý, and the secondary focus on the Czech counterparts of the Spanish dizque.

The analysis is conducted using the parallel corpus InterCorp and presents evidentiality as a complex category, which is closely related to tense and evaluative modality. The translation respondents of prý and dizque in both languages display significant vari ability.

The corpus data reveal that notions attributed to them are expressed in a complex way in the other language, pointing out that grammatical and lexical elements such as sequence of tenses and diminutive suffixes can convey notions similar to those conveyed by adverbial hearsay markers or verba dicendi.