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Lipnice Bible - online application



This Bible codex, finished in May 1421 in Lipnice (most probably at the castle of Lipnice nad Sázavou, ca. 100 km south-east of Prague), is a precious witness to a restless period of Czech history marked by religious disputes and wars. The extraordinary decoration of the codex was carried out in three different phases, as the codex was forced to change its location.

Thus it exemplifies the profound impact of the Hussite revolution on the established book trade. The contents are noteworthy, too: the codex is not a mere Bible but contains a number of added texts, some linked to the dispute.

It also features 46 pointing hands (maniculae) that emphasize passages useful in the religious polemics of the time. There is a unique colophon calling the bible scutum fidei, quo pugnant filii dei, oculus iustorum, scandalum incredulorum - "the shield of faith, with which the sons of God are fighting; the eye of the just ones, outrage to the unfaithful".

Today, this exquisite volume is kept in the Museum of the Bible in the USA as MS 486. Thanks to the kind permission of the Museum, it is presented here in a freely accessible, browsable format with annotations: a fitting tribute to its 600th anniversary.

We would also like to thank Gregory Scott for proofreading the English version of the texts.