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What are the specifics of diabetic foot syndrome and why we need interdisciplinary recommendations for its diagnosis and treatment?

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


The care of patients with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) requires interdisciplinary cooperation, and therefore interdisciplinary recommendations focused on the diagnosis and treatment and prevention of DFS are in place. We also need these recommendations because DFS has its own specifics that affect its diagnosis, therapy, but also the prognosis of patients.

These include, for example, the different course of infection and PAD in patients with diabetes, the diagnosis of neuropathic Charcot osteoarthropathy, and the frequent association with end stage kidney disease, which worsens the course of SDN and increases its risk. Last but not least, the specifics of DFS include the issue of amputations with a significantly worse prognosis than in people without diabetes.

The creation of an interdisciplinary team in foot clinics, providing comprehensive care for patients with DFS according to the recommended procedure, is associated with improved prognosis of patients with DFS, especially the reduction of amputations.