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Half-year Report : Period 7/2022 - 12/2022



The report describes the progress of the project Center for Socio-Economic Research on Environmental Policy Impact Assessment for the period 7/2021 - 12/2021.

During this period, the modelling of the economic impacts of the "Fit-for-55" package continued. The modelled scenarios were extended (ETS2, coal phase-out, ban on registration of new passenger cars with internal combustion engine) and some consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine at the end of February (increased price and less availability of natural gas) were also included. The impacts were quantified by the TIMES, CGE and E3ME models, with the last of these models also quantifying the impacts of scenarios with an exogenously set emission target at the EU level. The results of these analyses were published in the study "Analysis Fit for 55: The evaluation of impacts on the Czech Republic", which is available at: The results were presented and discussed in more than ten forums and became the basis of the material of the government of the Czech Republic. The assessment of the impact of agricultural subsidies on land use and crop diversity was summarized in the study "Assessment of the Impact of Agricultural Support on Crop Diversity", which is available at the same web link. Furthermore, two studies related to the monitoring of important changes and future development of the environment in the Czech Republic were published on the same web link. This is a study entitled "Analysis of the contextual framework of the environment in the Czech Republic" and "Analysis of current systems for monitoring the horizon". An article was also published in a foreign scientific journal with an impact factor in which researchers compared the development of climate change in the Czech Republic based on the results of two generations of climate models (CMIP5 and CMIP6) and focused on evaluating the uncertainties of these models. In the study, they monitored the expected development of temperatures and precipitation, specifically the development of monthly average daily temperatures and interannual changes in the average monthly minimum, average and maximum daily air temperature and monthly average precipitation.In addition to publishing the outputs on the project website, the project results were presented at several scientific conferences and other events. The results of the Fit for 55 impacts were presented to the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Government Council for Sustainable Development, Czech transmission system operator, the State Environmental Fund or other stakeholders.