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Unattended automated office blood pressure measurement in children

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


In our most recent study on unattended automated office blood pressure (uAOBP) measurement in children and adolescents published in Blood Pressure last year we have demonstrated that the uAOBP was significantly lower than office BP (OBP) both for systolic and diastolic values (-13.6 and -7.6 mmHg, p < 0.0001). This was different from the results from the first study on AOBP in children published by Hanevold et al. three years ago who found less pronounced differences between AOBP and OBP values (-4.5 and -1.0 mmHg for systolic and diastolic BP, respectively).

In our discussion we have hypothesized that the discrepant results between our and Hanevold's study could be due to the lack of a rest period in the first subgroup of children investigated in the later study however we didn't have the data comparing AOBP between children with and without a 5 min rest period before the AOBP measurement as they were not published.