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This project is the first effort to create a database in the Czech Republic according to EBM, namely for the most most used drugs used in paediatric population in the Czech Republic (and possibly Slovakia) and is governed by the rules of implemented research for the purpose of its wider use in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. After the mutual consensus of the Commercialization Council, the authors agreed on the result of 1x Others (website with a database for the most frequently used medicines in the paediatric population in the Czech Republic and Slovakia) and 1x Others (prescriber=calculator).

The calculator is designed to optimize the dosage of medicinal products in neonatology and paediatrics. It is intended for use by both professionals and the lay public.

Through the created calculator, the following goals will be achieved: 1. Optimization of pharmacotherapy in the population of neonates and children.

Optimizing pharmacotherapy is defined as maximum effectiveness and safety at the same time. 2. Facilitation of calculation when prescribing medicinal products in daily clinical practice. 3.

Elimination of errors, prevention of prescription errors. In this phase, the calculator is created as an executable application (.exe) that will be downloadable on the website (, in the next phase it will be part of the web interface.

The calculator application consists of three windows containing the following parameters: Dosage form, Child's weight and Target dose. In the Pharmaceutical form window, it is necessary to enter the amount of the active substance that is contained in one milliliter of the medicinal product, the unit mg/ml is displayed.

This information is clearly stated on each medicinal product. In the Child's weight window, the child's weight in kilograms must be entered to at least one decimal place, the unit kg is displayed.

If the user enters a number of four or more digits, after pressing the Calculate button, he is warned about an error when entering the weight (the weight was probably entered in grams instead of kilograms). At the same time, the user is prompted to enter the weight to at least one decimal place, thereby eliminating the possibility of an error due to the omission of the decimal point (4.5 kg vs. 45.0 kg is a fundamental difference).

In the Target dose window, the target dose (i.e., one dose) per kilogram of the child's weight must be entered, the user can find this information in the text part of the drug database web interface for the respective drug and dosage form, the unit mg/kg is displayed. After pressing the Calculate button, the user is asked to check the entered values to make sure that they did not make a mistake.

If he confirms the correctness of the data, the target amount of medicinal product (ie the number of ml corresponding to the correct amount of mg of active substance according to the weight of the child) to be given to the specified child will be displayed. The recommended amount is automatically rounded to one decimal place (tenth of a milliliter) to facilitate practical use in daily clinical practice.

The calculator is therefore created for simple and clear use in order to achieve the above goals as efficiently as possible.The expected benefit of the above results is 1. Optimizing the dosage of drugs for neonates and children in the Czech Republic and in the future in Slovakia (evaluation of the use of literary resources and the distribution of EBM resources among users before and after the implementation of the database) 2.

Simplification of the dosing process: professional and lay public (statistical parameters of usability and sustainability of the database) 3. Prevention of errors in prescription 4.

Cost benefit with regard to quality parameters of care for paediatric patients (wide distribution in hospital and outpatient daily clinical practice. Cooperation with SÚKL and the IPLP electronic prescription is a freely available database of recipes for individually prepared medicinal products (IPLP, magistraliter) which is intended for prescribing doctors, pharmacists and pharmaceutical assistants (The database is available to all "experts according to §2a of Act No. 40/1995 Coll., i.e., persons authorized to prescribe or dispense medicinal products").