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Trimecain in prevention of coughing after endoscopic ENT surgery in paediatric patients

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


We sought to determine the effect of intravenously administered trimecain (Mesocain 1%, Leciva, CZ) in strictly defined dose and time of administration to prevent coughing during recovery from general anaesthesia for endoscopic ENT surgery in paediatric patients. We also followed the effect of IV trimecain on heart rate, blood pressure, capillary haemoglobin saturation and time to response to verbal command during recovery of paediatric patients.

We found that administration of trimecain in the dose 1 mg/kg 2–3 mins before the end of general anaesthesia significantly reduces the occurrence and intensity of coughing after instrumentation in upper and lower respiratory tract in paediatric patients, diminishing the risks associated with this stage of operation. This amount of trimecain does not possess any adverse effects of hemodynamic parameters in hemodynamically stable paediatric patients.