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Population Genetic Structure of Phlebotomus sergenti (Diptera: Psychodidae) Collected in Four Regions of Morocco Based on the Analysis of Cyt b and EF-1α Genes

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Phlebotomus (Ph.) sergenti is the main vector of Leishmania (L.) tropica (Trypanosomatida: Trypanosomatidae), the causative agent of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Morocco. This species has an extended geographical distribution, wider than that of the parasite.

The main objective of our study was to analyze the genetic diversity of Ph. sergenti collected in four foci in Morocco: Taza, Foum Jemaa, El Hanchane, and Ouarzazate. We studied a set of diversity and population structure indices by sequencing two markers; nuclear EF-1 alpha and mitochondrial Cyt b from 175 individual sand flies.

Our results showed a considerable degree of intraspecific polymorphism with a high number of haplotypes identified in both genes. Many polymorphic sites detected in the Cyt b sequences (S-Cyt b = 45) indicate that it is the most polymorphic marker showing a distinct distribution of haplotypes according to their geographical origin, whereas the EF-1 alpha marker showed no geographical isolation.

Analysis by Tajima's D and Fu's Fs tests revealed a possible recent expansion of the populations, especially with the EF-1 alpha marker, showing significant values in Taza and Ouarzazate sequences. The present study revealed significant genetic diversity within Ph. sergenti populations in Morocco.

The results warrant further research using a combination of more than two markers including mitochondrial and non-mitochondrial markers, which may provide more information to clarify the genetic status of Ph. sergenti.