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CLARIN Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences



Established in 2012, CLARIN research infrastructure aims to maintain an infrastructure to support the sharing, use and sustainability of the language data and tools for research in the social sciences and humanities (SSH). In Latvia, after joining CLARIN ERIC in 2016, work on creation of CLARIN research infrastructure started in 2018.

This paper aims to provide overview of CLARIN infrastructure and introduce the researchers of Latvian digital humanities to the opportunities offered by CLARIN ERIC and in particular CLARIN Latvia (CLARIN-LV) node. At first, we introduce to the fundamental elements of CLARIN ERIC – Virtual Language Observatory, Language Resource Families and funding and cooperation mechanisms.

Then, we provide an overview of CLARIN-LV repository and language resources and tools documented. We explain citation mechanisms and provide practical recommendations for depositing and licensing.

The core values of CLARIN are very closely aligned with the FAIR data principles, therefore we stress the importance of long-term preservation of research outcomes (including language resources and tools) and explain CLARIN role in supporting open science and FAIR principles. Furthermore, mechanisms for the knowledge sharing and user support are presented.

It includes CLARIN knowledge centres, targeted seminars, university level courses and individual consultations. Finally, paper outlines future goals of CLARIN-LV and the next steps to implement them.

The main directions include extension and adaptation of repository content, long-term cooperation with SSH researchers, support for higher level education in language technologies and support for implementation of open science principles.