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Anaphylaxis in Public Health

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


The increasing number of patients with anaphylactic reactions is a modern challenge for healthcare professionals in clinical practice and public health professionals. It remains difficult to determine the prevalence or incidence of anaphylaxis in the population due to the long absence of a consensus definition, the fact that analyses are performed on various population groups and the use of different data collection methodologies.

In the United States, anaphylaxis mortality ranges from 0.63 to 0.76 cases per million inhabitants, with 58% of these deaths due to drug anaphylaxis. The risk factors for anaphylaxis are ramipril and metoprolol use, which is common in patients with cardiovascular disease.

Also, a higher level of gliadin following excess gluten intake is associated with a higher incidence of anaphylaxis. Drugs, food and insect stings have long been known as anaphylaxis inductors.

In diagnosis, determination of serum tryptase concentration is used. In patients with normal tryptase concentration, it is appropriate to screen other inflammatory mediators.

The authors of this article present new findings on anaphylaxis in the literature and recommended practices of professional societies in the context of public health.