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The effect of physiotherapy on the quality of motion patterns in impingement syndrome

Publication at Central Library of Charles University |


The upper extremity is an important and complicated organ that enables a wide range of movements necessary for work, creation and realization of intentions. Problems in the area of the shoulder joint have a significant impact on a person's quality of life.

The shoulder, as the root joint of the upper limb, is the most mobile and, at the same time, the most anatomically and functionally complex joint of the body. Due to its specific structure, a large range of movement and constant activity, it is easily vulnerable and impingement syndrome can occur.

It occurs in an increasingly younger population of productive age and is the cause of long-term incapacity for work. However, with targeted physiotherapy, it is possible to influence functional changes and pathological muscle concatenation in the given area, which qualitatively improves the movement stereotype.

We investigated 20 patients with a diagnosis of impingement syndrome without a previous surgical solution. With targeted physiotherapy, we were able to largely successfully eliminate pain in 85% of patients, normalize the increased tone of the upper fixators and timing in 60% of patients, and correctly fix the scapula in 70% of patients.