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Ophtalmological symptoms of interal diseases

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Primary care physians often encounter eye symptoms that may signal serious internal illness. In such cases, information obtained at an eye examination can help not only in the diagnosis but also in the treatment of the underlying disease.

Alteranatively, patiens with internal disease may develop eye manifestation that requires diagnosis and treatment by an ophtalmologist. For these reasons, the primary care physician schould be aware of ocular complications of such disease. (1.) A primary care physician schould consider performing an eye examination on each patient with changes of internal state.

The aim of this article is to provide basic and cleare information about ocular symptomatology of internal diseases. Eye tissues can be affected by a whole range of internal diseases, in particular by cirkulatory, endocrine, reumatological, pulmonary, hematological, gastroenetological, but also infectious and congenital conditions.