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A Creative Dimension of Trust within Life of a Parish

Publication at Catholic Theological Faculty |


If the church is to be plausible to the society around, it must itself be a community where trust is honestly present - among its individual members, leaders and laymen, toward its surroundings, future, and God himself. This statement is illustrated by a description of trust in life of a parish which reflects its trust in God.

The author uses updated biblical story about experience of Moses and the chosen nation being visited by Jitro, Moses's father-in-law (Ex 18:13-23). He analyses trust included in the constitution of the Eucharist; following Bonaventura Bouše he is thinking about the sacrament of penance being practiced in the atmosphere of deeper trust; and focuses on trust in the teaching of pope Francis, e.g., exhortation Evangelii gaudium 88.