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Special Colloquial Vocabulary in Speech of a Business Coach (Based on the Speeches of Irina Khakamada)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The speech of business coaches is distinguished by the speakerʼs desire to influence the mind of the recipient through the use of various linguistic means. The addresser takes into account not only the goal of communication (informing, attracting attention / entertainment, persuasion), but also its synthetic character, which combines vertical and horizontal vectors.

The speaker is trying to gain and keep the sympathy of the audience, get its support, understanding, and trust by complexly influencing the feelings, emotions, and subconscious of the addressee, as well as by demonstrating belonging to the "In-group". One of the features of Irina Khakamadaʼs speech as a business coach is the use of special colloquial vocabulary (youth slang, argot, vulgarisms, obscene vocabulary).