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Using Behavioral Change Methods to Encourage Slovak HEIs’ Students to (Successfully) Graduate and the Acceptance of Nudging. (A comparative study of the Slovak Republic and the Czech Republic)

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This article explores acceptance of pro-graduation nudging among Slovak and Czech university students. The general acceptance of proposed nudges is similar in both countries.

However, high-touch nudges have a statistically significantly higher level of acceptance than low-touch nudges. Students in both countries are predominantly less in favor of reminders and defaults.

The results suggest that the level of study and the education of parents can influence the acceptance of the nudges. Interestingly, there were relatively higher differences in terms of acceptance of nudges in Czechia.

Czech male students, part-time students, and economists are more inclined to nudging. In Slovakia, gender, age, and study program did not show statistically significant differences.

Furthermore, extrinsic motivation and social comparison nudges were mostly less acceptable by students with at least one parent with higher education both in Czechia and Slovakia. The study provides a deeper understanding of the acceptance of behavioral tools for the implementation and development of education policies.