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Case management of the geriatric patient. Clinical Recommended Practice of the Committee of the Czech Gerontological and Geriatric Society ČLS JEP

Publication at Third Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


Due to their polymorbidity and frequent lack of independence, geriatric patients have complex needs that should be met by health and social care services. It is desirable that care for this population group is not fragmented.

Case management is a long-established and proven approach in modern Western healthcare to provide quality, integrated care for the elderly. It can contribute to the quality of life of the elderly and at the same time lead to a reduction in healthcare costs by preventing complications, reducing hospital admissions and rationalising visits to outpatient specialists.

Outpatient geriatricians are appropriate case management practitioners for seniors. In collaboration between the Alzheimer' s Foundation and the Czech Gerontological and Geriatric Society, a pilot performance project and questionnaire survey among outpatient geriatricians in the Czech Republic was conducted.

The evaluation of the pilot project shows that outpatient geriatricians are able to perform expert case management and expect better integration of health and social care for the elderly and reduction of health care costs. We therefore requested that case management be included among the health interventions performed by geriatric outpatient clinics.