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Comparison of cephalograms produced by different techniques

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


Aim: The presented study aim was to find out whether a cephalogram and a scan generated from 3D CBCT of one and the same patient are different or identical. Material and method: The retrospective study included 41 patients with complete orthodontic documentation with a cephalogram and a CBCT taken prior to treatment.

The CBCT can be synthesized into cephalogram in orthogonal and perspective projections with Dolphin Imaging 11.95 Premium (Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, CA, USA). Both scans were taken within one month.

The same software was used for cephalometric analysis of cephalograms and CBCT generated scans. 7 angular and 3 linear parameters (including dental and skeletal parameters in sagittal and vertical planes) were selected for the study. Results: Statistically significant differences between scans made with three different techniques were found in the following parameters: angular dimension of SNB, and linear parameters WITS, U1-APo, L1-APo.

Conclusion: The individual techniques differ to some extent. However, majority of differences in mean values was < 0.6° and < 0.7 mm which suggests that their significance is not important from clinical viewpoint.

The techniques are comparable.