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Vestibular rehabilitation in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgery

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine |


This review aims to summarize the current vestibular rehabilitation options in patients after vestibular schwannoma surgery. Resection of the tumor usually leads to unilateral acute peripheral or combined vestibular loss caused by a surgical lesion to the branches of the vestibular nerve and less frequently also a lesion in the cerebellum.

In patients, the vestibular lesion manifests as postural instability, vertigo, oscillopsia and vegetative symptoms. Human organisms react to this state using the process of central compensation with a significant role of the cerebellum.

The goal of vestibular rehabilitation is to support this process and thus make recovery faster and more efficient since not all patients are capable of sufficient restoration of vestibular function. Currently, vestibular rehabilitation includes, apart from the specifi c vestibular exercise, modern techniques using virtual reality space and prehabituation.

Due to prehabituation, i.e., preoperative chemical labyrinthectomy with intratympanically installed gentamicin, the timing of the origin of the acute vestibular loss and surgical procedure is separated. Therefore, there is a chance of achieving vestibular compensation before vestibular schwannoma removal.

In the last decade, the tools for virtual reality have become less expensive and more available in medical care. Virtual reality is a technique used for generating an environment that can strengthen three-dimensional optokinetic stimulation, subsequently the process of central compensation and finally it may improve patients' quality of life.