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Intestinal failure - surgery management and intestinal transplantation

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, First Faculty of Medicine |


This presentation aims to summarize the course of action in patients with chronic intestinal failure. Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is the most common cause of chronic bowel failure.

The etiology of SBS is diverse. SBS treatment involves a complex multidisciplinary approach.

Patients often have stomas and intestinal fistulas. They are very often dependent on home parenteral nutrition (HPN).

HPN is the only way to manage their severe malnutrition. The most crucial process is attempting to reconstruct their digestive tract with the restoration of its anatomical continuity.

If independence on HPN fails after digestive tract reconstruction, pharmacological treatment is used to increase intestine tract resorptive capacity. Furthermore, autologous intestinal reconstruction is planned.

In recent years, intestinal or multi-visceral transplantation has become part of treating irreversible intestinal failure in patients who developed HPN complications.