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Results of robotic colorectal surgery at IIIrd surgical department 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Introduction: Robotic surgery is a rapidly developing field both in our country and abroad. The beginnings of robotic surgery dated back to the 1980s, but development took place after 2000, especially with the robotic systems from the company Intuitive.

In the Czech Republic, the first robotic surgery was performed in October 2005, whereas at our surgical department, it was in June 2018. Robotic surgery techniques are now part of the standard procedures of our workplace.

Method: Retrospective analysis of patients from our results database. We included all 150 patients operated between June 2018 to October 2022.

Results: The operation technique is almost identical to laparoscopic or open surgery. The difference is so-called docking of the robotic system and the correct placement of the robotic arms.

Now in the databases are 150 patients with colon and rectal resection. Most patients underwent rectal resection. 9.4% of the patients had anastomosis leak, which is a figure comparable to foreign literature.

The conversion was necessary for 2.4% of patients. The length of hospitalization was reduced to a median of 6 days.

Conclusion: Robotic surgery is certainly the future of surgery as such. The advantage over classic operations is a shorter hospitalization period, faster recovery, less painful surgical wounds, fewer wound infections, a lower risk of hernia in the scar and fewer conversions.

The disadvantage is certainly the lack of tactile perception and the high purchase price as well as higher costs for the operation.