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Current stage of isotopic research on diet, residential mobility and agricultural practices of the Great Moravian population (9th–10th century AD)

Publication at Faculty of Science, Central Library of Charles University |


The article summarises and brings together the results of isotopic studies of the population of Great Moravia, mainly of the inhabitants of the Mikulčice agglomeration, focused on the reconstruction of diet, migration, but also methods of farming in the studied area. The work interprets as yet unpublished data on the diet of individuals buried inside the Mikulčice churches (n = 10) and on the residential mobility of individuals from Mikulčice with specific grave goods (n = 33).

It also presents precise quantitative models of the reconstruction of the diet of the Mikulčice population using recently published data on grains found in various parts of the Mikulčice settlement agglomeration. The final part is devoted to areas of future research.